Sunday, 26 May 2019

Exam Time!

Today I was planning my students' exam, and I started remembering about how I used to feel when I was at the other side of the table.
I remembered all the stressing experiencies, and how my hands trembled when the teacher gave me the exercises.
Exams are usually unfair because many situations are not taken into account.
How can we lower the students' affective filter and help them to feel more confident?
I thought about this detail. It's not something big or expensive, but I think my students will feel a little more relaxed.
I trust them! And I know how hard they have been working!
What's more eating something sweet is usually recomended before exams. Scientists claim that if there isn't enough glucose in the brain, for example, neurotransmitters, the brain's chemical messengers, are not produced and communication between neurons breaks down.
What do you think? Feel free to share your ideas :) 

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Let's apply the theory!

  • Write your favourite family recipe and share it with your classmates!
1)Schema bulding: Introduce food items that they are likely to use for the recipe, sequence adverbs (first/then/next/after that/ finaally) and commands.

2)Controlled practice: Provide students with steps of an easy recipe which are not in order. They will have to organize the steps using first/ then/next/after that/finally) and commands (mix, add, bake)

2)Controlled practice: Provide students with a list of food items and ask them to choose the ones that will be needed to prepare the muffin.

3)Authentic listening practice: The students will watch a video and then they will make a list of the ingrdients mentioned by the chef. 

4)Authentic listening practice: With the same video, students will identify the number of steps of the recipe.

4)Focus on linguistic elements: Watching the video again, they will have to pay attention to the verbs used to give instructions: Command verbs related with cooking.

5)Provide freer practice: Now students will complete a chart to order the steps of how to prepare their own muffins. Here they will be asked to use not only adverbs but also the commands.

6)Pedagogical task: Write a family recipe that you want to share with your classmates. Film yourself performing it.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

The Importance of Creating a Good Classroom Atmosphere

We have heard many times of the importance of creating a suitable atmosphere for learning to take place in our classrooms. According to Krashen, emotional variables can either facilitate or hinder L2 acquisition.
We love this video because it shows us what being a teacher is all about! If we want our students to feel comfortable, to be confident enough and to try again and again, we should provide them with an unthreatening atmosphere. Nothing better than a non-conventional Morning Song!
 Do you like it? Do you use any other strategy for lowering your students' affective filter? FEEL FREE TO SHARE!

Consejo Escolar de Escobar: COMUNICADO Nº 74/2020

Consejo Escolar de Escobar: COMUNICADO Nº 74/2020 : REFERENCIA REGISTRO DE CURSOS Y TÍTULOS Turnos para el Registro de Títulos y Cursos...