1)Schema bulding: Introduce food items that they are likely to use for the recipe, sequence adverbs (first/then/next/after that/ finaally) and commands.
2)Controlled practice: Provide students with steps of an easy recipe which are not in order. They will have to organize the steps using first/ then/next/after that/finally) and commands (mix, add, bake)
2)Controlled practice: Provide students with steps of an easy recipe which are not in order. They will have to organize the steps using first/ then/next/after that/finally) and commands (mix, add, bake)
2)Controlled practice: Provide students with a list of food items and ask them to choose the ones that will be needed to prepare the muffin.
3)Authentic listening practice: The students will watch a video and then they will make a list of the ingrdients mentioned by the chef.
4)Authentic listening practice: With the same video, students will identify the number of steps of the recipe.
4)Focus on linguistic elements: Watching the video again, they will have to pay attention to the verbs used to give instructions: Command verbs related with cooking.
5)Provide freer practice: Now students will complete a chart to order the steps of how to prepare their own muffins. Here they will be asked to use not only adverbs but also the commands.
6)Pedagogical task: Write a family recipe that you want to share with your classmates. Film yourself performing it.
Task 1: You and your friend want to go on holiday together. He wants to go to the beach but you want to go the mountains. Reach to an agreement.
Macrofunctions: Exchanging goods and services.
Microfunctions: Making comparisons. Expressing preferences.
Grammar: Comparisons with adjectives. I'd prefer/I'd rather.
Task 2: You have recently seen a film that you liked. A friend wants to know if it is worth watching and why. Explain and persuade him/her to go and watch it.
Macrofunctions: Exchanging goods and services.
Microfunctions: Persuading. Expressing preferences.
Grammar: Describing (adjectives). You should/You must/You need to
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